Thursday, October 24, 2024

Fierce Battle For the Votes of Latinos in Florida

Latino votes in Florida will be critical in determining which presidential candidate will declare victory in the state. Recent polls show that John McCain has reasons to be concerned….

A Quinnipiac University poll released last week found that Latino voters in Florida prefer Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama over McCain 56 percent to 36 percent. A recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center showed Obama with a more than 2-to-1 lead over McCain among Latino voters nationwide. And last week, Obama and the Democratic National Committee sought to solidify that support by announcing the most expensive Latino outreach effort in presidential campaign history.

The Obama campaign aims to raise $20 million and target much of that in four swing states where the Latino vote is expected to be large enough to decide the November election: Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Florida.

Tampa businessman Frank Sanchez, who is charged with raising the money for Obama’s campaign, largely from Latino voters, promised a blitz.

“Everything from television and radio and print and all that, to organizing volunteers to go door to door,” Sanchez said, adding that this year, Latinos are “participating in every aspect of a political campaign, and that includes fundraising.”

Latino voters are viewed as one of the most powerful voting blocs in this year’s election. More than 9 million Latino voters nationwide are expected to go to the polls in November, an estimated 1.7 million more than voted in 2004.

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