Thursday, October 24, 2024

Guest Bloggers: Celeste Carrasco y Ligia McEvoy: ‘Mes de la Herencia Hispana: Mas que una celebración, un llamado para tomar acción.’

Por Celeste Carrasco y Ligia McEvoy  En el mes de la Herencia Hispana celebramos la historia, las contribuciones y logros de los hispanos en Estados Unidos. Es un momento para honrar nuestra herencia, compartir nuestras historias y vivir nuestro Poder Hispano.  El Poder Hispano es una manera de pensar, de creer que podemos lograr lo […]

Guest Blogger: Jimmy Gómez, Congresista Demócrata, ‘El perdón de la deuda estudiantil y el impacto en los latinos’

This column was originally published in La Opinión. Esta acción ayudará a más de la mitad de los estudiantes universitarios latinos quienes han invertido en su educación para poder lograr el sueño americano Cada 30 segundos un joven latino cumple 18 años, poniéndolo a él o a ella, en una posición de tomar una de […]

Guest Blogger: Mariafernanda Zacarias, Estratega Demócrata, ‘Nuestras libertades, los derechos y la privacidad están en juego en las próximas elecciones’

La comunidad hispana en California y en toda la nación enfrentará una de las decisiones más importantes en las elecciones en noviembre, que impactará el futuro de nuestra salud, y el bienestar de nuestras familias. El resultado de estas elecciones determinará cuál partido controla la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado. El control del Congreso […]

Guest Blogger: Mónica Ramírez, President of Justice for Migrant Women, ‘It’s Time to Reform the Universal Service Fund: Migrant Women Depend on it’

Connectivity is a necessity to participate in today’s society. For vulnerable populations like migrant women and families, dependable phone and internet access can be a gateway to earning an education, accessing healthcare, and keeping connected to real-time information and support services. At Justice for Migrant Women, we are committed to advancing the human and civil […]

Guest Blogger: “Will Democrats, Independents, and Progressives Wake Up in Arizona, Before it is Too Late?”

After 32 years as a red state, Arizona went blue in 1996. One of the main reasons was that Hispanics and Native Americans decided to participate because they were motivated by the notion that a similar bill like Prop 187 of California could be presented in Arizona by the State Legislature and signed by the […]

Guest Blogger: Sindy Benavides, CEO of LULAC ‘After SCOTUS Ruling, Puerto Rico Statehood Even More Imperative’

This column was first published on RealClearPolitics  The United States was founded on the premise that taxation without representation is tyranny – not democracy. This week, that basic premise was once again denied to the people of Puerto Rico when the U.S. Supreme Court opted to continue the systemic discrimination of Puerto Ricans (who are American citizens) […]

Guest Blogger: Rosa Mendoza “Multicultural Womxn’s Conference 2021 Puts the Spotlight on Challenges, Opportunities”

As we approach the end of Women’s History Month, it is important to continue to celebrate women changemakers past and present. But it is also important to acknowledge that this has been a tough year for women in the workforce—especially women of color. The challenges women face in this economy and in the innovation industry […]

Guest Blogger: “The importance of the Georgia Runoff Senate Election”

Georgia was BLUE, yes, it was BLUE during a long period. Up until 2003 Georgia Governors were Democrats, President Jimmy Carter was among them (1971 – 1975). It voted for presidential democratic candidates up until 1960 with John F. Kennedy, then again in 1976 and 1980 with Jimmy Carter, for Bill Clinton in 1992, and […]

Guest Bloggers: Michael Ramos and José Miguel Madrigal “Will Presidential Candidates Wake Up The Sleeping Giants?”

With racist remarks, constant dishonesty and a lack of ethical behavior expected of our nation’s leader, the presence of Donald Trump in the White House has undeniably captured the world’s attention. Yet, the world is looking to the Democratic Party as the body to replace Mr. Trump with someone who can restore the United States […]

Guest Blogger: Alma Molina “3 Impactful Ways to Celebrate Hispanic (or Latino/a/x) Heritage Month”

This month is our community’s opportunity to empower and support one another on a national stage, while educating the country about who we are and what we stand for. More than parades and parties, we can celebrate our culture and contributions every day. Here are 3 ways to make a lasting impact: SHOP – Just […]