Thursday, October 24, 2024

Obama's First 100 Days Show Promise, but There is More Work Ahead Says NCLR

NCLR (National Council of La Raza), the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, today highlighted some of President Obama’s key policy decisions that impacted Latinos in President Obama’s First 100 Days: An NCLR Progress Report. NCLR has worked closely with the president and his administration to advance key priorities for Latinos such as economic recovery, critical health care objectives, and immigration.

“NCLR gives President Obama high praise for his solid leadership in the first 100 days with the passage of legislation that provides resources to extend health care coverage to four million more children in the U.S., including legal immigrant children,” said Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO. “Our hope is that the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a down payment on broader health care reform to be enacted this year, so that we may achieve affordable, quality health coverage for everyone in the U.S.”

During his first 100 days, the president also addressed our struggling economy by enacting a stimulus plan that expanded tax credits for families with children and providing better access to unemployment insurance.

“We commend the stimulus package that was passed, which includes many provisions for working Latino families, but what still needs to be addressed are initiatives that connect stimulus dollars to workers in need of good jobs with good wages,” Murguía added. “Latino workers need access to integrated education training programs, and as Congress looks to pass a budget bill, it is our hope that some of these issues will be addressed.”

“Furthermore, President Obama’s ‘Making Home Affordable’ plan has been a crucial step in helping Latino families hold on to their homes. NCLR continues to work with the administration to ensure that the plan helps American families keep their piece of the American Dream through homeownership.”

One of President Obama’s campaign promises to Americans and Latinos was to address the immigration system during his first year in office. Immigration reform is crucial as we move toward economic recovery, and the president has shown a willingness to live up to his campaign pledge to tackle this issue in the coming year.

Education is also an issue of primary importance to the Latino community, and NCLR will continue to work with the administration to improve our nation’s education system for all children. “We are pleased that President Obama appointed Arne Duncan, a proven reformer, as Secretary of Education. Latino children represent the fastest-growing segment of children in America’s schools, and if the U.S. is to continue to have a well-educated, productive workforce, then it is critical that the president and Congress make investments in education programs and support policies that improve Latino educational attainment,” concluded Murguía.

NCLR will continue to work closely with the president, his administration, and Congress on vital issues including health care reform, the economy, education reform, and immigration to realize America’s promise of a stronger, healthier, and more prosperous nation.