Thursday, October 24, 2024

CHC, CAPAC and Progressive Caucus Discuss Immigration Reform with Community Leaders

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The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) in conjunction with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) and the Progressive Caucus met with a diverse coalition of organizations invested in the debate on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The focus of the discussion was on how to advance legislation this year that would enact the reforms necessary to fix the broken immigration system. In March the CHC met with President Barack Obama and received his commitment to move the debate on immigration reform forward during his first year.

“The debate on comprehensive immigration reform cannot wait another day, as families continue to be torn apart when they are unable to navigate our nation’s broken immigration system,” said Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, Chairwoman of the CHC. “Students are left in limbo and farms are facing shortages of workers every day we continue to put off reform. History has shown us that immigrants contribute to our nation’s economy by entrepreneurship, creation of an increased tax base, and helping raise wages for all workers. Passing comprehensive immigration reform will help improve our struggling economy, and that is another reason we are ready to move forward today.”

“I am proud our community is standing shoulder to shoulder with Members of Congress, energized to push for comprehensive immigration reform this year,” said Congressman Michael Honda, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. “There is much strength in the diversity of this American coalition that includes Asians and Latinos, civil rights and faith-based organizations, business and labor. Together, as Americans, we are up to the challenge of fixing our broken immigration system and creating one that is worthy of our great nation.”

“Today, civil rights coalitions, faith groups, labor unions and business representatives from across the country convened in Washington to discuss next steps toward realizing comprehensive immigration reform,” said Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez, Chair of the CHC Immigration Task Force. “Our meeting was part of ongoing discussions the CHC is having, not only with community leaders, but also with members of Congress in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle, regarding their commitment to a comprehensive package. Based on these ongoing discussions, we are confident that that the time to move forward is now. When the CHC sat down with President Obama last month, he reiterated his commitment to immigration reform that stabilizes our economy, secures our borders and keeps our families together. President Obama assured the CHC that in May he would launch his Administration’s efforts to achieve comprehensive immigration reform; however, time is quickly running out, as American families continue to be separated from their loved ones. We continue to look to President Obama to lead on this issue, and we urge him to honor his promise –not only to the CHC but to all Americans– by presenting a solution that keeps husbands and wives, parents and children together.”

“The pursuit to attain comprehensive immigration reform is about correcting the current law and ensuring that we incorporate protection for American workers and immigrants,” stated Congressman Raul M. Grijalva, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Chair of the CHC Education and Job Training Task Force. “We are a nation of immigrants and must ensure that we keep families together, strengthen due process, and address the issue, rather than hindering by punitive anti-immigrant laws.”

Congressional Hispanic Caucus