Sunday, February 16, 2025

New Video Highlights People Supporting Sotomayor Throughout the Country


Washington, DC Today, the Democratic National Committee unveiled a video entitled “Stand with Sotomayor” that highlights the grassroots energy and enthusiasm for Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, whose confirmation hearings start next week in the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The video contains photos from across the country of people showing their support for Judge Sotomayor and contains images of many historical and iconic American landmarks.  The DNC received thousands of photo submissions through its Action Center providing people with an opportunity to show their support for Judge Sotomayor. To go to the Action Center, please click here:

“Folks across the country are enthusiastically behind the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be the next Supreme Court justice.  People understand that Judge Sotomayor is exceptionally qualified – she would bring more judicial experience to the high court than anyone confirmed in the last 70 years.  Her experience in the American judicial system, coupled with her inspiring life story and fierce intellect, make her uniquely qualified to serve on the nation’s highest court,” said Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine.

“Judge Sotomayor’s story is an American story of hard work and success.  She will be the first Latina justice and the third female justice to serve on the Supreme Court.  Americans are excited that, in confirming this highly qualified nominee, our country would make history and gain a justice with broad legal and judicial experience.”

Sotomayor’s record includes service as a big-city prosecutor.  She was also a corporate litigator. Before President Clinton promoted her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, President George H.W. Bush appointed as a federal district court judge in New York.  In that role, she issued an important injunction that effectively ended the major league baseball strike. In her time on the bench, Judge Sotomayor was widely admired for her intellect, grasp of legal doctrine, and commitment to the rule of law.