Monday, September 9, 2024

Report Explores State of Education for Latinas


The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) have released a report that explores the state of education for Latinas. The study entitled “Listening to Latinas: Barriers to High School Graduation”  reveals alarming drop out rates and details possible reasons as to why Latina students are not performing as well in academics compared to their peers. The latest data shows that 41% of Hispanic female students do not graduate on time with a standard diploma.

The study found that financial situations, immigration status, limited English proficiency, and parental involvement are all reasons why Latinas do not do as well in school as their counterparts.

In addition, many Latinas face a myriad of challenges that include: gender and ethnic stereotypes, discrimination based on ethnicity and gender, and pregnancy and parenting responsibilities. Latinas have the highest teen pregnancy rates and teen birth rates of any other racial or ethnic group, because many do not discuss pregnancy prevention or contraception with their parents. Many also attend schools in states that limit sex education to abstinence.

The report also offers  recommendations so that schools and policy makers can help Latinos overcome their current barriers such as:

  • Investing in the future of Latino children
  • Connecting Latinas with role models and engage them in goal-setting
  • Ensuring that all students can pursue and are prepared for post-secondary educational opportunities

Check out the report here: