Thursday, October 24, 2024

Minority Voices on Net Neutrality

When 19 organizations representing the communities most impacted by the Digital Divide issued a joint letter to the FCC last week, they added a new and much-needed element to discussions about net neutrality.

In recent weeks, legislators, ISPs, online application providers, mainstream advocates and ivory-tower digirati have fueled and shaped well-funded discussions about net neutrality into a din of vociferous rhetoric.

In the midst of these discussions, that have all but ignored the perspectives of the disenfranchised, minority groups have remained focused on their number one priority, eliminating the digital divide so that all Americans can have access to the benefits of broadband connectivity.

In their letter, these civil rights and advocacy organizations, including the Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership, urged the FCC to consider the impact of Internet regulations on populations that are unserved and underserved by broadband technologies.

The signers of this letter are the nation’s preeminent minority civil rights and advocacy organizations. It is time that policymakers incorporate our perspectives and expertise as they shape Internet policy.

In our evolving, diverse society, we can no longer let the digital elite dominate discussions that will shape the future of our Internet.

HTTP thanks its co-signers and supporters in this effort, who are working together to ensure that the Internet will be a place for ALL of us.

100 Black Men of America

Asian American Justice Center

Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies


Black College Communications Association

Dominican American National Roundtable

Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership

Japanese American Citizens League

Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association

Labor Council on Latin American Advancement

Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.

League of United Latin American Citizens

MANA: A National Latina Organization

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

National Association of Neighborhoods

National Coalition of Black Civic Participation

National Disability Institute

National Puerto Rican Coalition

US Hispanic Leadership Institute

A copy of the letter is available here.

Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership