Thursday, October 24, 2024

Latino State of the Union Addresses Policy Initiatives Facing the Community

On Wednesday, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) hosted the 2010 Latino State of the Union: The 3rd Annual Roundtable on Law, Policy and Civil Rights. This event was an opportunity for the nation’s leading scholars, policy makers and civil rights leaders to discuss major policy initiatives facing Latinos this year such as immigration and the upcoming Census.

The keynote address was delivered by MALDEF President and General Counsel, Tom Saenz, who gave a heartfelt speech on the importance of the Obama administration tackling immigration reform. Opening remarks were given by Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) and Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL). Gutierrez stated that although there may not be a Democrat super majority in the Senate following Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, he is not any less determined to take on the challenge of immigration reform this year. Gutierrez discussed plans in the upcoming weeks to continue outreach to the community through immigration town halls in Miami and Los Angeles.

The roundtable was moderated by Latinovations own Maria Cardona and discussed voting rates, job creation, and the Hispanic unemployment rate. Panelists included Joaquin Avila, Executive Director of the National Voting Rights Advocacy Initiative, Dr. Gabriela Lemus Director of the Office of Public Engagement for the U.S. Department of Labor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Associate Director of the Pew Hispanic Center, and Lillian Rodriguez-López, President of the Hispanic Federation and Chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda.

Click here for a webcast of the event.