Friday, January 24, 2025

Report Finds Latino Students Likely to Attend “Poverty” Schools

According to a new government analysis of US schools entitled, “2010 Condition of Education”, nearly half of all students – 46 percent, who attend “high poverty elementary schools” are Latino; 34 percent of these students are black, and 14 percent are white.

This compares to the numbers for “low poverty schools” where 75 percent of the students attending are white and only 11 percent are Latino.

Students who attend poor schools are more likely to suffer an achievement gap in math and reading.  They are also less likely to finish high school and go on to attend a four-year college.

Over the course of the past two decades, from 1988 to 2008, the percentage of Latino public school students doubled from 11 to 22 percent nationwide.

During the same time period, Latino college graduation rates rose from 5 to 12 percent.

To see the entire report, go to

Washington Post