Thursday, October 24, 2024

Latino Lawmakers Respond to President’s State of the Union Address

Expectations for the President’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday night were high among Latinos, with leaders from major Latino advocacy groups issuing their own set of policy priorities they wished to see the President tackle in his speech.

Following President Obama’s address, Hispanic lawmakers praised his speech for acknowledging those issues they considered of upmost importance for the Latino community.

“In meetings with the President and his staff, and again today in his State of the Union Address, it is clear that the Administration’s priorities- creating jobs, investing in education, and promoting innovation and global competitiveness – are not only what’s best for our country, but what’s best for the Hispanic community,” Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez (D-TX), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, said in a statement.

Prior to the State of the Union address, the heads of the Hispanic Federation, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), and the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) called on the President and Congress to work with Latino leaders in order to ensure the needs of the Latino community are met.

“Our Latino communities are still in a severe recession,” Margaret Moran, LULAC National President, said. “The President and Congress must target federal programs to those areas that have borne the brunt of our economic slump.”

They stressed improvements in the areas of health care, economic empowerment, education, immigration and Social Security.

“Latinos in the United States are among the most innovative members of our society.  Whether you look at Hispanic-owned small businesses or Hispanic participation in key industries such as the manufacturing or construction industries, their success is intricately tied to our country’s success,” Gonzalez said.

The President was also given credit for speaking in favor of comprehensive immigration reform.

“And the President also addressed the need to reform our broken immigration system in a way that not only benefits our economy, but a way that is consistent with our values as a nation,” Gonzalez further added.

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