Monday, September 9, 2024

Latino Students Majority in Texas

Texas — like California and Arizona — is seeing huge Latino gains in its population. The majority of students in Texas are now Latino, making up 50.2% of the 4.9 million student population. In California we reported that more than half of that state’s student population was Latino, Arizona’s population of Latinos is greater than the population of whites, Oklahoma saw a rise in Latino students, and the list does go on.

In Texas, this is particularly unfortunate because Governor Rick Perry and the majority Republican state legislature is set on destroying public education just when Latinos are set to become the majority of students. It seems like, now that Perry and everyone else’s children are through the system, it doesn’t matter of it’s any good anymore because it’ll just be filled with Latino kids anyway.

The sad thing is, the future of Latinos in Texas is the future of the state itself. If there are not enough educated Latinos in Texas, there won’t be enough educated people to run the state in 10, 20, 30 years. The future of Texas is contingent upon the burgeoning Latino population being educated and well prepared to run the state, meanwhile legislators seem intent on doing everything in their power to ensure the failure of this population.

That makes for a tragic mix.

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By Rishabh Mishra]


Reposted with permission from Taco News