Thursday, October 24, 2024

Report: Latinos are Most Active Social Media Users

A new Pew Research report found that Latinos top everyone in social media being the most active and the most influential – specifically to the future of mobile advertisers, web-sites, and apps.

According to the report, 80% of Latinos in the U.S. use social media, that’s more than 70% of whites and 75% of African Americans.  Latinos continue to be the youngest and fastest growing demographic in the U.S., but also the most susceptible and responsive to advertising and commercial brands according to a Nielsen report.

Despite the astounding growth of Latino social media users, the Nielsen report suggests that way too many brands are not doing enough to attract the Latino consumer or the average Spanish speaker as 45% of fluent Spanish speakers feel there are not enough Spanish-language apps available on the market.

What is clear is that the Latino market will require more effort from big corporations and more than the typical market strategy as Forbes reported, in order to ensure the success of future technology.

Fox News Latino