Friday, July 26, 2024

President Obama Honors Forgotten Latino Soldiers with Medal of Honor







Yesterday afternoon, President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to 24 minority or ethnic U.S. soldiers who performed bravely in the World War II, Korean and Vietnam wars. 17 of those honored were of Latino descent.

“Today we have the chance to set the record straight,” Obama said. “No nation is perfect, but here in America we confront our imperfections and face a sometimes painful past, including the truth that some of these soldiers fought and died for a country that did not always see them as equal.”

The soldiers honored on Tuesday were unfortunately passed over being awarded this prestige because of their racial or ethnic backgrounds, and President Obama felt that a historical act of discrimination needed to be corrected. Only three of the 24 soldiers were alive to receive the honor, but the emotional ceremony captured a sense of redemption for those who fought for their nation courageously and were never commended for it.

“This ceremony reminds us of one of the enduring qualities that makes America great, that makes us exceptional,” said President Obama.

Thanks to the commitment of the Obama administration, and participation from groups such as the American GI Forum, the largest Latino-American veterans group, the task to pinpoint medal recipients was a successful one.

Fox News Latino