Monday, January 20, 2025

Mobile Technologies Bolstering Productivity and Growth of Hispanic-Owned Businesses

mobileAccording to a recent survey sponsored by the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), Mobile Future, and Latinos in Tech Innovation and Social Media (LATISM), mobile technologies have greatly enhanced the productivity and growth of Hispanic-owned businesses.

82 percent of those surveyed credited mobile technology with boosting the productivity of their business. Furthermore, 62 percent cited growth in their company as a result of high mobile adoption. President of the USHCC, Javier Palomarez, said that “We always suspected that the Latino community uses technology more than the average white consumer, but the study has found that such is not just the case with Hispanic consumers, but also among the Hispanic business segment.”

Mobile technology in the workplace has become a centerpiece of the way many Hispanic-owned businesses interact and communicate with clients and stay abreast of the latest developments and news within the business community. Business owners also noted that wireless technology has greatly improved internal company communication and operations and are therefore actively looking for training programs and opportunities to continue maximizing the use of mobile technologies in the workplace.

As Latino entrepreneurs and business owners continue to grow their businesses, Mobile Future Chair Jonathan Spalter noted that “continued investment in rapidly evolving mobile technologies is critical to ensuring growth, productivity and innovation as businesses compete in today’s digital marketplace.”

Fox News Latino