Friday, February 7, 2025

Border Patrol Union Cancels Trump Meeting Ahead of His Visit


The Border Patrol union slated to tour GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump along the Mexico-U.S. border has backed out of the meeting, according to a statement the group released Thursday morning. Mr. Trump – who has infamously called Mexican immigrants “rapists,” denounced Senator John McCain as not being a war hero, disclosed opponent Senator Lindsay Graham’s personal cell phone number, and severed ties with a handful of corporate partners – can now add this dumping, by the same agents he once lauded to protect from the Mexican “criminals” crossing the border, to his growing list of high-profile blunders. Mr. Trump’s team says he still plans to visit the border.

“After careful consideration of all the factors involved in this event and communicating with members of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) at the National level, it has been decided by Local 2455 to pull out of all events involving Donald Trump,” Hector Gaza, the president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2455 in Laredo said in a statement.

All the while, Mr. Trump has begun flirting with the idea of abandoning the Republican Party and continuing his presidential run with a third-party bid, a prospect threatening both the GOP and Democrats alike. But the billionaire real estate mogul motors on unfazed by attacks from all sides, whose claims that The Donald is undermining American democracy and making a spectacle of our democratic process for personal gain, seem more valid with every passing improvised appearance and address. He seems unlikely to slow down any time soon.

“I think repenting is terrific,” Trump said in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “Why do I have to ask for forgiveness if you’re not making mistakes? I work hard, I’m an honorable person.”