Thursday, October 24, 2024

Democratic Party to Reaffirm Position as Party in Favor of Immigration Reform, Workers’ Rights

during the final day of the Democratic National Convention at Time Warner Cable Arena on September 6, 2012 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The DNC, which concludes today, nominated U.S. President Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential candidate.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) introduced a resolution at its annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, endorsing President Barack Obama’s executive actions on immigration and affirmed the party’s position as pro-comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship, and as the Party of workers’ rights.

With a renewed commitment to the rights of workers to organize, the resolution also notes the need for a balance between immigration reform and sustaining and growing workers’ wages and to finding solutions that would not depress the wages of workers already in the United States, an argument that has been made most forcefully by Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders.  DNC Hispanic Media Director Pablo Manriquez commented on the committee’s actions, saying that “with this resolution, the Democrats are taking a firm stand on the side of both immigrants and workers — two American constituencies who Republicans have abandoned.”

The DNC’s resolution comes amid heightened tension between the Latino community and the Republican Party in light of some GOP presidential candidates using what some would deem to be anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail.

On Wednesday, The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), a group made up of 40 Latino advocacy and organizations sent a letter to all the 2016 GOP presidential candidates in response to recent comments supporting a repeal of birthright citizenship that read, in part, “[A] policy to end citizenship by birth would likely create an underclass of Latinos and Latinas who would be subject to discrimination or other adverse treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, or race, but without the protections of citizenship.”

The DNC’s meeting is scheduled to go through Saturday and all 2016 Democratic candidates for president are scheduled to address the gathering of state party chairs, DNC committee members and super delegates.

Latin Post