Thursday, October 24, 2024

As GOP Primaries Loom, Cruz Gaining On Trump


At the close of 2015, Republican Texas Senator Ted Cruz has essentially tied GOP front runner Donald Trump in the latest polls for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. According to a Quinnipiac University poll Trump received the support of 28% of the Republican primary electorate while Cruz came in at 24%. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 4 points meaning Cruz is within striking distance of the real estate mogul despite recent revelations that the candidate has been pitching a more moderate tone at private New York fundraising gathering while claiming to be a staunch social conservative and champion of the far right at campaign events in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“We’re encouraged,” Rick Tyler, a spokesperson for the Cruz campaign told Fox News Latino.

In addition to his increased standing in the crowded Republican field in the national race, Cruz is now first polling 9 points ahead of Trump in the key state of Iowa.

What is becoming increasingly clear is that although the field is crowded, only 4 candidates, Cruz, Trump, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Ben Carson seem to have the momentum heading into the first in the nation primaries and caucuses.

“What voters want is an outsider. Ted Cruz is not just an outsider, he is a proven outsider” said Tyler referring to his boss who has been a persistent headache for national party leaders including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his fellow GOP colleagues in the Senate where he has received little backing from his counterparts in the chamber.

Tyler added that the Cruz campaign has “worked very hard to build a ground game in Iowa and other early voting states and its paying off.”


Fox News Latino