Monday, February 17, 2025

LULAC Brings Leaders Together To Discuss Immigration


Hundreds of Hispanic leaders congregated in our nation’s capital yesterday at the LULAC National Legislative Conference. They came together to talk about many of the important issues that envelope the Hispanic community such as health care disparities, criminal justice reform, and most importantly, comprehensive immigration reform.

From Donald Trump’s offensive, anti-immigrant rhetoric to much more common sense solutions proved by the Democratic presidential candidates, immigration reform has been one of the main issues discussed in this year’s presidential election. That is why LULAC filled a room with young activist and leaders to discuss issues pertaining to conditions in detention centers for undocumented immigrants and the raids that come in the middle of the night to separate families.

“If the federal government can’t detain people safely they shouldn’t be detaining people at all,” said Pamela Denzer, one of the experts at the Immigration Policy Briefing sponsored by LULAC.

Another activist on the panel, Greisa Martinez, representing United We Dream stated strongly to the crowd, “young people are the decision makers of today” adding, “young people are the ones shaping the politics and policies of not just immigration reform, but health care and criminal justice reform.”

Martinez encouraged the audience to do four things. Firstly, stand up for themselves stating that 1.5 million Americans are related to someone who has received DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DAPA, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, and those same people will be eligible to vote in this year’s election. Second, stand up to bullies like Marco Rubio, who has opposed common sense immigration reform, and have their voices be heard. Thirdly, hold representatives accountable for their actions and inactions on the issues important to our community. Fourthly, stand together against the attacks from the opposition.

The panel also discussed the upcoming Supreme Court hearing against the executive orders by President Barack Obama on immigration. 26 states are challenging the legality of those orders and if the executive branch unconstitutionally extended their power. Tom Jawetz representing American Progress stated that, “if the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Federal government than it might help put comprehensive immigration reform back on the table.”