Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sole Hispanic Leader Remains on Trump’s Diversity Council for Now

In the week following the riots in Charlottesville, while many businessmen have chosen to part ways with Trump’s business councils, one Hispanic leader is choosing to stay put for now. Javier Palomarez, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, has decided to remain on President Trump’s National Diversity Council to keep a Hispanic person near the White House.

“If I walk away, if I give up in frustration, the only people who win are the Steve Bannons and Steve Millers of this world,” Javier Palomarez told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program. “They would love to have one less Hispanic with free access to the White House, to the president, to Ivanka Trump and several of the secretaries.”

Palomarez issued a statement on Tuesday calling on the president to fire Bannon, his chief strategist, as a response to the Charlottesville racial violence and controversy over Trump’s response to the issue. He believes this is a much needed step for the administration, in an attempt to heal the wave of negative sentiments engendered by the administration.

“Do I commend what’s happened here? Do I support, I do endorse in any way? Absolutely not. This is deplorable. It should have been a defining moment for this president. He failed it, again, the presidency and this president will be defined by this moment forever,” said Palomarez.

While Palomarez maintains that he serves at the pleasure of the small business owners and job creators who put him in this role, he also believes it is important to get back to work on immigration, healthcare, and tax reform. Palomarez does not rule out a future departure, however will continue to serve the people who he represents until they call on him to sever all ties with the administration.
