Thursday, October 24, 2024

Biden Plans to Announce a New Immigration Bill with 8- year Path to Citizenship

President- elect Joe Biden plans to announce a new immigration bill on day one of his administration. This new immigration bill seeks to provide an 8-year path to citizenships for 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., this is a huge change compared to Trump’s harsh immigration policies.

The legislation places Biden on track to deliver a major promise from his campaign to Latinos and other immigrant communities after Trump’s strict immigration policies and massive deportations. Though this new bill fails to include the traditional enhanced border security usually favored by Republicans, it provides one of the fastest paths to citizenship for millions of people currently residing in the U.S.

The bill is set to be introduced after Biden takes the oath of office tomorrow Wednesday.

Under the legislation, undocumented immigrations would have a 5-year path to temporary legal status or green card if they pass a background check, pay taxes, among other basic requirements. After that, is a three- year path to naturalization.

For other people like DREAMers, agricultural workers, and people under temporary protective status, the process may be faster and since they would immediately qualify for green cards if they are working or in school. The bill is not as comprehensive as the last major immigration overhaul proposed by former president Obama. For example, it does not include a robust border security element, but rather calls for coming up with strategies. Nor does it create any new guest worker or other visa programs.

Biden is also expected to reverse other Trump immigration actions including the prohibition on arrivals from several predominantly Muslim countries. Biden’s allies, as well as some Republicans have identified immigration as a major issue where the new administration could find common ground with Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnell and other GOP senators.