Thursday, October 24, 2024

New Security Measures in El Salvador Criticized By Human Rights Organizations

Last week, new security measures to combat gangs in El Salvador were implemented by their police force. The new security measures allow them to do house-by-house searches and mass arrests.

Organizations such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights claim that these new security measures, such as keeping incarcerated gang members in their cells for 24 hours a day and reducing their food to two meals a day could lead to human abuse.

Nayib Bukele, President of El Salvador, has asked El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly to convince lawmakers to help him receive legal tools to fight the gangs.

According to Insight Crime, during Bukele’s administration the country’s homicide rate has decreased by 60%, causing many to criticize how his administration has achieved this.

El Salvador’s Legislative Assembly authorized Bukele’s state of emergency order early this week after 89 people were killed in four days by gangs. This order gives authorities permission to make arrests and extend jail time while an investigation is completed.

The Human Rights Watch then stated that “instead of protecting Salvadorans, this broad state of emergency is a recipe for disaster that puts their rights at risk.”

NBC News