Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mexican President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Will Not Attend the Summit of the Americas

This week, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced he will not attend the Summit of the Americas hosted in Los Angeles by the U.S. The decision came after the U.S. announced that they did not invite some of the region’s countries. Other regional leaders, such as Honduran President Xiomara Castro, also said they would not attend if Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela did not attend.

A Senior Administration official confirmed that Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela were not invited to the summit. The Biden Administration had previously stated they did not want to include any undemocratic countries at the summit. In 2001, the Inter-American Democratic Charter was signed by all the countries in the Americas region, minus Cuba, making it a requirement that only democratically elected leaders could attend.

“There cannot be a summit if all countries are not invited,” Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.

Taking the Mexican President’s place will be Foreign Minister of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard.

NBC News