Thursday, October 24, 2024

Seattle Police Beating of Hispanic Caught on Tape

The Seattle Police Department is coming under fire from the community over a video released on Friday that shows police beating a Latino suspect.

The video, which was shot by a freelance videographer, captures an incident last month when a police officer is seeing kicking a Hispanic man who is on the ground and yelling a racial profanity.

Police had detained a group of men during an investigation of an alleged armed robbery.  The Latino man who is visible in the video, and was neither handcuffed nor under arrest, can be seen lying on the ground.

Detective Shandy Cobane, a member of the gang unit, is heard yelling on the video, “You got me? I’m going to beat the f***** Mexican piss out of you homey. You feel me?”

When the man goes to wipe his eyes, the detective kicks him in the head as he wipes his boot on his hand. A second officer stomps on his leg.

At a community town hall on Saturday, outraged flowed not only over this incident, but over what is perceived to be a pattern of abuse on the part of the Seattle Police Department.

Juan Mendoza, who was one of a number to testify about the instances of racial profiling said, “I’m ashamed of that type of situation and to see that in the land of freedom, this is still happening.”

Also in attendance was King County Judge Steven Gonzalez, who after listening to the testimony stated, “Anyone watching it would have a reaction to what’s seen there, and the language is clearly offensive.”

The City of Seattle is currently in the process of selecting a new chief of police.  Some community members of the selection panel have said that the incident, and how candidates for the position would handle the situation, will be a factor in their decision.

Pastor Aaron Williams of the Mount Zion Baptist Church hopes this will be an opportunity for the new chief to rebuild trust in the Latino and black communities.

Detective Cobane, who is on administrative reassignment and under investigation, issued a tearful apology Friday night following the video’s release saying, “I have not only embarrassed myself, but I have truly let down my colleagues.”

Seattle’s Interim Police Chief John Diaz said of the apology, “I do appreciate the comment by Detective Cobane, but let me make it perfectly clear: The use of race, racial slurs or ethnic slurs is never acceptable for anybody in our department of for any police agency in this county.”

Seattle PI blog

Seattle PI


  1. Adrian Gomez says

    This sure is sad.