Thursday, October 24, 2024

Call For A “New Breed of Physician”

If the medical community is to keep up with the influx of millions of Americans into the healthcare system after President Obama’s healthcare overhaul is implemented, fundamental innovations in curricula and teachings must be made in healthcare education.

Graduates from minority medical schools are already more likely to work in underserved communities as reported recently by La Plaza, but John A. Rock, M.D., founding Dean of the Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine and Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs at Florida International University believes all healthcare institutions need to emphasize community involvement, local medicine, social consciousness and local cultural issues.

Such efforts are already underway at Florida International University’s new medical school where students are part of interdisciplinary teams made up of other medical, nursing, public health, and social work students that conduct field work directly with community organizations and individual households.

Students from these four disciplines don’t often work closely enough together, but Rock says through their collaboration students can identify and address existing healthcare needs and gaps in services.

“Such efforts could go far toward making healthcare more affordable and accessible,” says Rock.

Rock is making a call for a “new breed of physician,” and medical schools that simultaneously educate men and women in medicine while improving the quality of life in communities.

Miami Herald