Thursday, October 24, 2024

Latinos Key in Next Midterm Elections

latino_vote1A new poll by Latino Decisions revealed that despite a lack of support on the GOP’s issues, 52% of Latino voters said theywould be more likely to support the GOP in the 2014 elections if the immigration reform bill is passed.

According to the study, there are 44 GOP-held House seats where Latino voters could influence the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections: 14 “tier 1″ Republican-held seats with large Latino populations, as well as 10 “tier 2″ districts where Latinos are quite likely to be influential and 20 “tier 2″ in which Latinos could be influential.

“If the GOP loses just 17 seats in 2014, the Democrats will regain majority control,” stated Latino Decisions Senior Analyst David Damore.

The poll found that 63% of Latinos would be more likely to vote Democratic if a House Democrat helped bring the bill to victory. However, 45% of Latinos are more likely to vote for the GOP if a House Republican helps push the immigration bill to victory.

The potential gains presented in this poll shows how immigration reform could help revive the Republican Party. Pro-immigration groups, such as the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, met with President Obama in their heavy mobilization efforts to get Latino and other voters to exert pressure on Republican House legislators as the House met Wednesday to discuss their stance on immigration reform.

“We look forward to meeting with [Obama] to discuss how we build on the bipartisan work done in the Senate and pass an immigration reform bill in the House that promotes fairness, the rule of law, contributes effectively and meaningfully to our economic well-being, and provides a path to citizenship for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country,” said CHC Chair and Texas Democratic Congressman Rubén Hinojosa.

NBC Latino

Latino Decisions