Saturday, February 8, 2025

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Voices Strong Support for Labor Sec. Thomas Perez for U.S. Attorney General


The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) officially endorsed Labor Secretary Thomas Perez for U.S.  Attorney General on Tuesday. Secretary Perez has purportedly been on the shortlist of candidates since Attorney General Eric Holder announced he would step down from the position last month.

The CHC  joins many leading Latino organizations, including the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda that have voiced their unequivocal support for Perez.  CHC Chairman Ruben Hinojosa said, “Secretary Perez has a proven record of championing and defending the rights of all Americans.” Congressman Hinojosa also noted that, “The CHC supported Tom Perez in his nomination to the Department of Labor, and the Caucus will continue to support him if he is formally nominated for the position of U.S. Attorney General.”

Perez made history as the first labor secretary of Dominican descent and he would do so again if he is nominated for Attorney General.  The President has indicated that he will not make a decision until after the November midterms, but as the elections draw near, groups supporting Perez are ramping up efforts to make a substantial case for Perez’s nomination. Advocates cite the secretary’s proven track record as a champion for working families and vulnerable communities as significant signs that Perez would make an ideal Attorney General.

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (D – N.M.) said, “Secretary Perez’s significant record of accomplishment throughout his career and during his time as Assistant Attorney General reflects the values he would bring to the Department of Justice and instills the utmost confidence in his ability to serve as Attorney General.”
