Friday, February 7, 2025

Guest Blogger: Analisa Freitas “Affordable Clean Energy Solutions and the Clean Power Plan, Bridging the Energy Divide”

When it comes to climate change impacts, those with the most limited access to basic resources are taking on the largest share of the burden. In the United States, 40% of all carbon pollution comes from power plants which is directly linked to exacerbating the impacts of climate change. It is no secret that the […]

Guest Blogger: Analisa Freitas “Celebrating 5 years of #VocesVerdes!”

This past December marked Voces Verdes’ five-year anniversary and we could not be more thankful to all of our Partner Organizations and VV Leaders who have represented Latino communities across the nation in business, health, education, advocacy, and the non-profit sector. We would not exist without your willingness to be our #VocesinActionon environmental policy development […]