Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Brewer Cancels Mexico Border Governors Conference

For nearly 30 years, the governors of the states that line both sides of the United States-Mexico border have gathered together annually to issue proclamations and pledges to work together and address concerns.

This year the 28th annual conference coincides with Arizona Governor Jan Brewers’ rotation as chairwoman and host of this year’s conference. The conference was to take place in September at a resort in Phoenix.

After six Mexican border governors wrote to Brewer saying they intend to boycott the conference to protest SB 1070, the Arizona governor sent a letter to the governors on both sides of the border saying she was canceling the whole conference.

She stated that she was disappointed, “I sincerely believe the gathering of the governors in Arizona would have presented a great platform to initiate dialogue about the legislation and other topics of great importance to the border region.”

The Mexican governors had written that they would not travel to Arizona because they considered the law to be “based on ethnic and cultural prejudice contrary to fundamental rights.”

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico has pledged to save the conference by finding a site in another state.

Gilbert Gallegos, a spokesman for Richardson said, “Governor Brewer doesn’t have the authority to cancel the Border Governors Conference.

He added, “She may not want to host it for political reasons, but that’s not a reason to sidestep the tough issues that border governors must address, including migration and border violence. Governor Richardson will look for alternative sites to host the conference, with or without Arizona’s participation.”

NY Times