Monday, February 17, 2025

Guest Blogger: Robert Valencia “What Patriotism Means for Latinos in a post 9/11 World”

The 9/11 aftermath created a ripple effect in the Hispanic community in both sides of the border. After the September 11 attacks, a seemingly friendlier immigration approach by the Bush administration turned into stricter regulations to grant nonimmigrant visas for students and businessmen, while anti-immigrant groups surged and grew after 9/11. The collapse of the […]

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Supreme Court Rules on Arizona’s Controversial Immigration Law

The U.S. Supreme Court released today a split decision in the constitutionality of Arizona’s controversial immigration law. In the decision, the Court struck down three provisions of the Arizona Law, SB 1070, that were previously challenged on the grounds that they invaded federal privileges. Two of the provisions made it a crime for undocumented immigrants […]

Guest Blogger: Maribel Hastings “The Politics of SB 1070”

As frenzied political junkies begin to chatter about the fight for the Latino vote in November, another fight is brewing in Washington this spring. Yesterday, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. The Court has the potential to officially condone the use of racial […]

SB1070 Before Supreme Court Wednesday: What You Need To Know

Two years worth of posturing and protesting, testing and taunting, about immigration and states rights will come to a head this Wednesday when both sides of Arizona’s controversial SB1070 argue their case before the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Here’s what you need to know: the law passed by the Arizona legislature and signed […]

Activists Launch Campaign to Register 200,000 Latino Voters

Motivated by the conservative anti-immigrant rhetoric going around the country, leaders from the Hispanic community launched a national campaign on Thursday to register 200,000 Latino voters and mobilize 100,000 individuals to go to the polls in November. The campaign, Latinos for Democracy, is part of the Movimiento Hispano, which focuses on efforts against the suppression […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Dangerous GOP Debates”

The recent GOP debate in Arizona should be a great cause for concern for Republicans. While the candidates and the party hope they are one step closer to having a nominee, their chances of winning the White House in November seem to be fading with every passing day. In a political cycle that started off […]

Romney “proud” over Endorsement from Author of Harsh Immigration Laws

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney touted the endorsement today by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, author of several anti-immigrant laws across the country including Arizona’s SB 1070, on his website. The announcement comes on the same day Romney released a Spanish-language ad in south Florida courting Latino voters. “I’m so proud to earn Kris’s […]

Author of Controversial Arizona Immigration Law Voted Out

Republican Russell Pearce, the president of the Arizona Senate and author of the harsh anti-immigrant law S.B. 1070, lost his seat in a special recall election yesterday. Pearce lost the race to fellow Republican Jerry Lewis, who captured 53% of the vote versus 45% for Pearce. His loss is being viewed as an upshot of hardline […]

Sponsor of AZ Immigration Law faces Recall Election

The author of the controversial immigration law passed in Arizona last year is facing a tough recall election over his harsh stance on the issue. Russell Pearce, president of the state Senate, ignited a fiery debate across the country last year after he introduced SB 1070, the harsh anti-immigration law that allows police to question […]

Judge Denies Challenges to Recall Election of SB1070 Sponsor

An Arizona judge has agreed to move forward with the recall election of Sen. Russell Pearce (R), sponsor of the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law SB 1070. As reported in La Plaza earlier this summer, the group Citizens for a Better Arizona filed a petition for a recall election against Pearce and his divisive politics. They […]