Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Seven Takeaways from Monday’s Immigration Reform Hearing

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee held on Monday the second hearing on the immigration reform bill introduced last week by the “Gang of Eight.” The hearing, which lasted more than seven hours, included testimonies from a long list of immigration reform advocates, critics, scholars and elected officials. At times, there were heated discussions over […]

Guest Blogger: Maribel Hastings “The Politics of SB 1070”

As frenzied political junkies begin to chatter about the fight for the Latino vote in November, another fight is brewing in Washington this spring. Yesterday, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law SB 1070. The Court has the potential to officially condone the use of racial […]

Kansas Secretary of State Fights to Block Bill That Would Allow Undocumented Workers

Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State and author of some of the most controversial anti-immigrant laws across the country, is now fighting against a proposal in his state that would allow undocumented immigrants to work in hard-to-fill-jobs. The plan, put forward by business groups, calls for undocumented immigrants to be able to remain in the […]

Romney rolls out Spanish-Language Ad

Despite a history of supporting “English immersion” over bilingual education in Massachusetts, and a harsh stance on immigration, republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney rolled out his first Spanish-language television ad on Wednesday. As previously reported on La Plaza, the ad came out on the same day that Romney “proudly” received the endorsement by Kansas Secretary […]

Romney “proud” over Endorsement from Author of Harsh Immigration Laws

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney touted the endorsement today by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, author of several anti-immigrant laws across the country including Arizona’s SB 1070, on his website. The announcement comes on the same day Romney released a Spanish-language ad in south Florida courting Latino voters. “I’m so proud to earn Kris’s […]

Republican State Lawmakers Mark their Ground over Birthright Citizenship

Several Republican state lawmakers revealed their plans to repeal the right to citizenship for children born on US soil to undocumented immigrants yesterday at a press conference in Washington, DC. The news conference, in which lawmakers from Arizona, Georgia, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and South Carolina expressed the hope that their national campaign end with a Supreme […]

Neb. Judge Throws Out Lawsuit Related to In-state Tuition for Undocumented Students

A judge in Nebraska tossed out an anti-immigrant lawsuit on Friday aimed at undocumented students who are eligible for in-state college tuition. The lawsuit by six Nebraskans who claimed their taxes were being spent in violation of federal law was dismissed by Jefferson County District Judge Paul Korslund.  He ruled that they should have first […]

Mayor in Nebraska Resigns After Passage of Anti-immigrant Legislation

The mayor of Fremont, Nebraska, Donald B. Edwards, announced on Monday that he is ending his 22 years in office after voters approved a controversial anti-immigrant law in July. Edward’s had previously voted against the proposal, which would require Fremont businesses to verify the immigration status of potential employees and landlords to verify the status […]

California Supreme Court Rules Undocumented Students Eligible for In-state Tuition

California’s Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Monday that undocumented students in California, who complete at least three years of high school and graduate, will be eligible for in-state tuition at public colleges and universities. Although undocumented students will still remain ineligible for state or federal financial aid, the ruling could save students up to $12,000 […]

Kris Kobach Says he Will Continue Anti-immigration Legal Work

The author of Arizona’s anti-immigration law, which has been copied by numerous states across the country, says he will continue to push his anti-immigrant agenda, as he accused immigrants in Kansas of voter fraud. As previously reported by La Plaza, Kobach, a Republican candidate for secretary of state in Kansas, is a constitutional law professor […]