Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Trump says his administration is considering ending birthright citizenship

Yesterday President Trump said his administration is once again seriously considering an executive order to end birthright citizenship months after several lawmakers cast doubt on his ability to take such action. “We’re looking at that very seriously,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House for Kentucky. “Birthright citizenship, where you have a baby on our […]

New evidence suggests the administration sought to suppress Latino votes with citizenship question

Latino leaders say new information on how the Trump administration decided to add the citizenship question on the 2020 census is the “smoking gun” that backs their assertions that the administration sought to suppress Latino votes. “You could smell this smoking gun from a mile away,” California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who has sued over […]

Second judge blocks the Trump administration’s citizenship question on census

A federal judge in San Francisco has blocked the Trump administration’s move to include a citizenship question in the 2020 census, calling the proposal “arbitrary and capricious” and saying it would harm the state of California and be “contrary to the Constitution.” In a ruling released yesterday, U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg said that Commerce […]

Texas Secretary of State refuses to admit his office made a mistake when it publicized an inaccurate list of suspected non-citizens

Texas’s top election official refused to say his office erred when it publicized an inaccurate list of 95,000 suspected noncitizens on the state’s voter rolls and sent the names to the attorney general for potential prosecution. In his first comments since setting off a firestorm that has resulted in three federal lawsuits, Texas Secretary of State […]

Federal Judge rules adding citizenship question to Census is unlawful

A federal judge in New York has struck down the Trump administration’s proposal to reintroduce a citizenship question into the 2020 census. The ruling effectively puts a freeze on a deeply contentious move that critics said would discourage non-citizens from participating in the Census. Judge Jesse Furman said earlier today that the proposal is “unlawful,” writing […]

Over 30 cities speak out against Trump proposal on immigration benefits

A coalition of 32 cities led by New York and Chicago have come out in opposition to a Trump administration proposal that would link welfare and immigration benefits. In the multi-city comment, representatives argued that the proposed rule from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) violates the Administrative Procedure Act, among other federal laws. “We’re standing […]

Latino Advocacy groups speak out against Trump’s efforts to end birthright citizenship

Latino advocacy groups are pushing back against a presidential proposal to end granting United States citizenship for American-born children of undocumented immigrants. The Citizenship Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States […]

With one week before midterms, Trump claims he can end birthright citizenship

President Trump offered a dramatic, if legally dubious, promise in a new interview to unilaterally end birthright citizenship, ratcheting up his hardline immigration rhetoric with a week to go before midterm elections. Trump’s vow to end the right to citizenship for the children of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on US soil came in an […]

ACLU claims that immigrant agencies set up “traps” for immigrants

Two federal immigration agencies coordinated to bring unauthorized immigrants who were seeking legal residency in for interviews at government offices, where they were then arrested and in some cases deported, according to internal agency communications. The interviews were timed at the convenience of ICE agents, who asked government officials to space out the meetings so […]

Trump Administration considering proposal that would make it difficult for legal immigrants to become citizens

A proposal being considered by top aides to President Trump would reportedly make it more difficult for legal immigrants to get green cards or become U.S. citizens. NBC News reports that under the proposal, a creation of senior White House aide Stephen Miller, migrants who have in the past benefited from welfare programs, including Social Security […]