Saturday, January 25, 2025

White House Hosts National “Show and Tell” on the Improvement of Digital Learning

Digital Learning
The White House is hosting a National “Show and Tell” this afternoon at 3:30pm EST to demonstrate how classrooms are improving their technology and digital learning to connect to others and improve the quality of the education system.

The “show and tell” will be held virtually on Google Hangout and will follow after President Obama heads to Mooresville, North Carolina to see how one middle school is shifting their curriculum to embrace the new technology.

Moderated by Betsy Corcoran, Founder and CEO of EdSurge, the event will feature James Kvall, Deputy Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, and participating students and teachers tuning in from high tech schools around the nation.

With 92% of teachers in middle and secondary schools saying that the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching,” Latinos are naturally affected since they are the biggest users of mobile devices for homework compared to other racial and ethnic groups.

The virtual “show and tell” will provide an opportunity for engagement, with users being able to use the hashtag #WHHangout on Twitter and Google +.

What: National “Show and Tell” on connected classrooms
When: Thursday, June 6th, 3:30pm EST

White House Blog