Monday, October 21, 2024

U.N. Group Calls for International Sanctions Against Nicaragua’s Government

Nicaragua’s government has committed serious and systematic crimes against humanity, and a United Nations-appointed team of human rights experts is calling for international sanctions against the government. The three-person body said the government has committed, and continues to commit, acts of torture, extrajudicial executions, and arbitrary detention since 2018. Experts say they had documented over […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In State of the Union, Obama is Cautious on Immigration Reform”

This week, President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address to fix our broken immigration system once and for all. And although the President made the call that Congress needed to act, many have been quick to criticize him for only dedicating a short portion of the speech to talk about immigration […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In 2014, Immigration Reform Must Be A Priority”

For the past year, people from across the country have come to see firsthand how dysfunctional Washington can come to be: Republicans forcing a government shutdown, failure to expand unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, and the their obsession with repealing Obamacare. But despite all of the partisanship that consumes Washington on a daily basis, […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Shooting After Shooting, Congress Does Nothing Towards Gun Control”

How many shootings must we endure before Congress acts on gun control? Just this year, tragedies such as the Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. and the recent scare at a New Jersey mall proved that the conversation of gun control in this country should continue. And if that wasn’t enough, in 2012, over four […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Website will be fixed, Obamacare already helping uninsured Latinos”

Like Charlie Brown and the football, critics keep kicking at Obamacare, missing badly and ending up with mud on their faces. Sadly they are at it again, this time talking about defunding a law that is overwhelmingly popular with Hispanics over a glitchy website. the web portal and latest phase in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) roll out is the […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Boehner’s choice: Tea party or America?”

Speaking to the nation after Congress reached a deal to reopen the government and temporarily raise the debt ceiling, President Barack Obama said we are “Americans first” and need to put partisan interests aside to get things done. But can we? The recent shenanigans do not bode well for the future. The resolution of the […]

Federal Government Shutdown: Its Impact on Latinos

It is the fourth day of the federal shutdown and there is still no clear path forward, but what does remain evident is the large number of Latinos that will be affected by the shutdown nationwide—if they’re not being affected already. As of Tuesday, not only were immigration cases put on hold for as long […]

Guest Blogger: Elianne Ramos “What Congress Really Needs: A Big Fat Whack With A Chancla”

Fuacata! As far as onomatopoeic interjections go, that is the scariest one –at least for those of us who grew up in a Latino household. The word, which loosely translates as “Whack” or “Kapow” (for you, non-Latino speakers), has been triggering compliance with pre-established Latino household rules for centuries. Rudimentary yet highly sophisticated as a […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Young Latinos Are Feeling the Positive Effects of the Affordable Care Act”

If you’ve ever shopped for health insurance, you know that the prices for adequate health care, whether for an individual or a family, are unreachable. In the past, insurance companies charged you an immense amount of money to get on a plan. And if you happened to have a pre-existing condition, they would either deny […]

Guest Blogger: Rep. Raul M. Grijalva “Latinos are Ready to Lead on Climate Change”

This week the Environmental Protection Agency took a critical step to reduce carbon pollution, one of the biggest (and still growing) causes of climate change. The EPA’s rule limiting emissions from new coal plants is the first step in President Obama’s plan to tackle what has truly become a global crisis. I agree with him […]