Monday, October 21, 2024

New Bill is Introduced to Handle Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis

A little before midnight Thursday House Republicans presented a bill to deal with the Puerto Rico debt crisis. The bill was introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy, Rep. Rob Bishop, who is the chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Rep. James Sensenbrenner. Duffy said in a statement that “Years of disastrous policies have completely […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Shooting After Shooting, Congress Does Nothing Towards Gun Control”

How many shootings must we endure before Congress acts on gun control? Just this year, tragedies such as the Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. and the recent scare at a New Jersey mall proved that the conversation of gun control in this country should continue. And if that wasn’t enough, in 2012, over four […]

Report Suggests Citizenship Will Provide Stronger Economic Benefits than Legalization

The White House released a report on Tuesday listing the economic benefits to earned citizenship for the undocumented immigrants in the US, which included an increase of $1.4 trillion in GDP and about 2 million more jobs. The report also details that over a course of 10 years, providing only legal status and not citizenship […]

‘Dream 9’ Tactics Take Debate Beyond Halls of Congress

By Valeria Fernández,  New America Media From inside the tiny rectangular windows at the Eloy Detention Center, the Dreamers arrested in last week’s protest could see the long white banner outside that spelled their names in red letters: “Maria, Claudia and Adriana.” Dozens of people have been demonstrating outside the detention center in support of the […]

American Latino Museum Advocates Reintroduce Bill

Yesterday, lawmakers reintroduced a bill to Congress pushing for the creation of the Smithsonian American Latino Museum. For two years, the advocacy group, Friends of the American Latino Museum, has raised awareness and money to urge Congress to authorize construction of the museum. However, the group would need to gain authorization from Congress and raise […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “Immigration Reform Is Very Much Alive”

Contrary to recent news accounts, we are closer to passing a meaningful immigration reform bill than at any point since John McCain and Ted Kennedy introduced their bill in 2005. Consider: The Senate passed a bill with 68 votes, the most any immigrant reform bill has received since this process began. The last time an […]

Comentarios from Maria: “STEM Fund Key To U.S. Global Competitiveness”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu Although the work is not yet complete, advocates for a national fund for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and computer science education have reason to be optimistic. Washington is well into its much-anticipated discussion on immigration reform, with a proposal for a broad bill under consideration in the Senate and […]

Women Absent as Republican Leaders of the House in Incoming Congress

Following a day of closed meetings, the House Republican Steering Committee elected a committee of chairs consisting of all male lawmakers for the incoming 113th Congress. On Tuesday, House Speaker John Boehner announced the 19 House GOP committee chairs. Of the 19 members, none were women or minorities. However, Politico explains that there is the […]

Texas Redistricting Discriminates Against Latinos, Federal Judges Rule

Texas statewide redistricting plans were overturned Tuesday by federal district court judges in Washington D.C., providing credence to the charge that the plans discriminates against Latino voters. The state was seeking preclearance under section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This section requires lawmakers to get approval from the federal government before enacting laws based on the state’s […]