Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Obama’s List to Congress: Budget, Immigration, and a Farm Bill

            After signing a bipartisan deal to reopen the government and avert a default, President Obama challenged Congress to overcome political division and focus its work on passing a budget, overhaul immigration, and approve a long delayed farm bill this year. The President said that these three priorities would help […]

American Latino Museum Advocates Reintroduce Bill

Yesterday, lawmakers reintroduced a bill to Congress pushing for the creation of the Smithsonian American Latino Museum. For two years, the advocacy group, Friends of the American Latino Museum, has raised awareness and money to urge Congress to authorize construction of the museum. However, the group would need to gain authorization from Congress and raise […]

Comentarios from Maria: “STEM Fund Key To U.S. Global Competitiveness”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu Although the work is not yet complete, advocates for a national fund for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and computer science education have reason to be optimistic. Washington is well into its much-anticipated discussion on immigration reform, with a proposal for a broad bill under consideration in the Senate and […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Bipartisan Coalition Bolsters U.S. STEM”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu The sequester’s arrival on March 1 left Americans with more questions than answers about our country’s economic future. Most of all, it epitomized the challenge of finding consensus in the current political climate. That failure makes the bipartisan movement on immigration reform this year all the more impressive — and […]

Guest Blogger: Cecilia Muñoz “Hispanic-American Families Just Can’t Afford Tax Increases”

As the debate over the so-called “fiscal cliff” in Washington continues, much of the conversation centers on deficit reduction, revenues, and tax rates. But what is easily lost in that conversation is the very real meaning this has for families all across America. The fact is Hispanic-American families just can’t afford tax increases right now, […]

Taxpaying Immigrant Families Are Safe For Now

Lawmakers in Washington announced on Thursday last week an agreement to extend the payroll tax cut, without excluding immigrant children from benefiting from the Child Tax Credit. As La Plaza’s recent call to action reported, some congressional members were trying to require all tax filers who claim the Additional Child Tax Credit to file with […]

Senators Revisit Talks on Immigration

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) have renewed their partnership and are giving immigration reform another try; though this time they are playing their cards differently. Instead of directing their efforts on members of Congress who have long supported a bipartisan immigration bill, they are setting their gaze on a combination of both […]

Latinos Drive Reapportionment Yet Increased Representation Uncertain

The first glimpse of the 2010 Census Data about a month ago revealed the obvious, states gaining congressional seats were those whose populations were fueled by growth in the Latino population.  Despite this fact, it remains uncertain how much representation Latinos will actually gain in effect. The country saw an increase in population by 10% […]

Mid-Term Election Results and the Latino Vote

Tuesday night’s results definitely told a tale that involved the Hispanic vote.  On Tuesday, we laid out what were going to be the likely elections most influenced by Latino voters across the country.  Countless predictions came true about a Republican wave sweeping Congress while Democrats managed to hold on to control of Senate.  Nevada “Did […]