Friday, February 7, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: “Bipartisan Coalition Bolsters U.S. STEM”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu The sequester’s arrival on March 1 left Americans with more questions than answers about our country’s economic future. Most of all, it epitomized the challenge of finding consensus in the current political climate. That failure makes the bipartisan movement on immigration reform this year all the more impressive — and […]

Comentarios from Maria: “House Steps Up with National STEM Competition”

House Steps Up with National STEM Competition Added Focus Can Help Address Disparities in Math and Science Former Astronaut Jose Hernandez makes a strong case for expanding opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and computer science fields in a recent op-ed saying “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we are trailing […]

Education Achievement Gaps Widen Among Latino Students

A paper released by Formar Foundation claims that many socio-economic issues, such as low poverty levels, lack of language skills, and other social barriers, have a negative effect on the quality of education among Latinos in the United States, widening the gap for educational achievement. The research reports that Latino students are less likely to be enrolled in […]

Legendary Latino Educator Jaime Escalante Dies

Jaime Escalante, 79, passed away on Tuesday afternoon from cancer. A native of La Paz, Bolivia he was the son of two teachers and came to America in 1963 at age 33. In 1974 he obtained a job at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles where he encountered low expectations, gang activity and administrative […]