Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sharp Policy Differences In South Carolina Democratic Debate

The Democratic candidates running for president faced off on Sunday night for their last debate before the Iowa Caucuses on February 1. The heightened sense of urgency was palpable as former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders took a markedly more aggressive tone towards one another in exchange after exchange that focused on […]

Guest Blogger: Dean Obeidallah “First, Donald Trump Came for the Muslims”

OK, it’s out of control now. When a major-party presidential frontrunner says this kind of bone-chilling stuff, the joke is over. I have never truly feared for the well-being of my family or friends because of the words uttered by an American politician. But that has changed after Donald Trump’s comments over the past few […]

Obama Advisers Urge Veto of Anti-Sanctuary City Bill

The advisers of President Obama have recommended that he veto the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act (S. 2146), which would at once punish cities and jurisdictions not in compliance with federal laws as they relate to a detained undocumented immigrant, and would enact a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in jail for […]

Castro Presses Obama to Begin Easing Cuban Embargo

Following their meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Tuesday, Cuban President Raul Castro asked that President Obama use his executive power to dismantle the trade embargo that has stifled the flow of goods to and from the island nation for the past half-century.  Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez related his leader’s message […]

In America, Francis Delivers Powerful Message of Social Justice to Washington

This week, Pope Francis I, the 266th successor of Saint Peter and head of the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic Church made his first visit to the United States, and became the third sitting pontiff to visit the United States as he was welcomed by U.S. President Barack Obama on the South Lawn of The White House […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Deal with Iran is Part of a Larger Plan

One of the goals of the Obama Administration, when it comes to its international legacy, is to decrease the quantity of weapons and nuclear waste in the world. This was first seen through the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) between Russia and the United States in 2010, which aimed to cut in half the amount of […]

Comentarios from Maria: Celebrate new day for U.S-Cuba relations

In 1999, I was communications director of a federal agency then known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service. I worked with the Department of Justice and State on the case of Elian Gonzalez, an adorable 5-year-old Cuban boy who was found floating in an inner tube off the coast of Florida late that year after […]

Trump’s Immigration Proposals Illicit Backlash From Latinos

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on NBC’s Meet The Press got more specific about his proposed immigration plans, while at the same time angering many Latino voters and national organizations who say Trump is espousing policies firmly outside the mainstream and championed by the far right. “Trump has reignited the GOP’s longstanding obsession with mass […]

Texas courts deal Obama immigration plans another setback

A Texas appeals court on Tuesday denied the Obama administration’s request to proceed with the President’s highly politicized immigration programs, known by their acronyms DACA and DAPA. The refusal to lift the temporary injunction that put on hold Mr. Obama’s plans arose from a lawsuit that 26 states filed against the administration, challenging the constitutionality […]

Obama launches foundation to ensure success of Black, Latino youth

In the wake of racially charged unrest, protests and disturbances across the country, President Obama launched yesterday his nonprofit organization, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance – a spinoff from his 2014 White House initiative by the same name – which will be the crux of Mr. Obama’s post-presidency. The Foundation seeks to empower boys and young […]