Sunday, February 16, 2025

Pope Francis Finishes Mexico Tour At U.S. Border

Today, Pope Francis prepares to speak in front of hundreds of followers at the Rio Grande. This will be the finale of a six day trip to Mexico in which he touched upon one of the most important topics of this year’s Presidential election, immigration. “The pope wanted to come to Juarez to make public […]

Comentarios from Maria: Pope Francis Made Us Proud to be Immigrants

By now, we have had a week to absorb and contemplate on the historic visit of Pope Francis to our country and beautiful capital city. It was a spiritual moment for all Latinos, especially believers, whereupon we realized that he is one of us. And he let us know from the very first moment he […]

In America, Francis Delivers Powerful Message of Social Justice to Washington

This week, Pope Francis I, the 266th successor of Saint Peter and head of the 1.2 billion-strong Catholic Church made his first visit to the United States, and became the third sitting pontiff to visit the United States as he was welcomed by U.S. President Barack Obama on the South Lawn of The White House […]

Pope Views and GOP Rhetoric Make Courting Latinos a Difficult Task

With Republican presidential candidates like Donald Trump employing anti-immigrant rhetoric on the campaign trail, many elected Republicans at both the state and federal level who, in large part, owe their seats to Latino voters in Hispanic-heavy states, see next week’s visit by the most progressive Pope in a generation as a threat to the GOP’s […]

Pope Francis to Deliver Most Speeches in Spanish during U.S. Visit

The Vatican announced that Pope Francis, in his first ever trip to the United States next week, will give only four of his 18 planned speeches in English, the rest to be delivered in Spanish. And while the Vatican spokesman has intimated that the 78-year-old Argentine pope’s decision to emphasize Spanish holds no symbolic significance, […]

Comentarios from Maria: Climate Change, the Challenge that Implicates Us All

Last week I had the enormous privilege of joining the environmental group, Moms Clean Air Force (MCAF), and Voces Verdes to express our grave concern for the alarming changes in climate that put the health of our children at risk. Each year some 6,600 children die prematurely and an additional 150,000 suffer from asthma attacks […]

Pope Francis Champions New Climate Measures, Angers American Conservatives

Pope Francis is set to make the environment and global climate policy the centerpiece of his upcoming encyclical this summer, alarming American conservatives, as he seeks to highlight how global climate change affects the world’s poor. Central to Francis’ climate change push will be a summit on Tuesday at the Vatican were church officials will […]

Pope Francis Urges Protection of Migrant Children

In the wake of the border crisis, Pope Francis recently advocated for an “urgent intervention” on behalf of the thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing into the United States. Pope Francis went on to say that “this humanitarian emergency requires, as a first urgent measure, these children be welcomed and protected.” However, he maintains that these […]