Monday, February 17, 2025

Comentarios from Maria: Climate Change, the Challenge that Implicates Us All

Last week I had the enormous privilege of joining the environmental group, Moms Clean Air Force (MCAF), and Voces Verdes to express our grave concern for the alarming changes in climate that put the health of our children at risk. Each year some 6,600 children die prematurely and an additional 150,000 suffer from asthma attacks […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jorge Madrid “Why the EPA Is important for Latino families”

The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has long protected the health and well-being of all Americans, particularly Latino families. Unfortunately, conservative politicians are leading efforts to attack, defund, and in some cases even abolish the EPA. The American Lung Association warns that these attacks “ignore public health and will have dire consequences for all Americans.”  […]