Tuesday, October 22, 2024

1st Latino, Cruz, Wins; Latinos Seek Less Extreme Choice In Rubio

Ted Cruz’s Iowa Caucus win, the first by a Hispanic, is a symbolic and historic milestone for the Latino community. As the race for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination moves on to New Hampshire the contest is increasingly solidifying as a match up between three candidates- Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and […]

Trumpeting Progress, Obama Urges Return to Civility

Emboldened by the successes of the past seven years, the President took a somewhat nontraditional victory lap in last night’s State of the Union address, the last of his term. Obama employed less of the soaring rhetoric that he is known for and delivered his report card on his administration as well as his vision […]

In Last State of the Union, Legacy and 2016 To Dominate Obama’s Address

President Obama is set to deliver the final State of the Union address of his administration Tuesday night. When he enters the House Chamber to address a joint session of Congress, the Cabinet, Supreme Court Justices and the American people he will be hoping to solidify his legacy, and offer a more optimistic vision for […]

Comentarios from Maria: Cruz Is not Qualified To Be President, But That’s Not Because Of His Citizenship

There are many reasons why Ted Cruz would be a terrible president. None of them have to do with where he was born. Texas senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is emerging as the strongest alternative to Donald Trump, who continues to lead in the national polls for the GOP nomination. The Senator, who […]

Nevada Hispanics Crucial In GOP Contest

With the GOP presidential race tightening up, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is looking to strike early and overtake Donald Trump in the first in the nation Iowa Caucuses and even attempt to sneak past the billionaire in the South Carolina primary and dominate the Deep South contests later this spring to capture the front runner […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Most Memorable Moments for Democrats

In the spirit of this holiday season, let’s go over 2015 and the number one reason why Democrats believe that this was an exceptional year, with many gifts and political gain, because instead of spreading hope and joy, the Republican Party did nothing but instill fear in a constituency that needs leaders, not warmongers that […]

Comentarios from Maria: Who Is Tougher and More Manly

Last Week’s Republican debate was a contest reminiscent of a “Saturday Night Live” skit entitled “¿Quien es mas macho?” In Spanish that means who is tougher and more manly. Sadly, we need much more than a macho man or woman. In the case of the presidency, that would mean a leader focused on solutions, not […]

Comentarios from Maria: Executive Actions-An Important Victory

We know that members of the Republican Party have made every effort to block any action to relieve the situation of the undocumented community in this country. We must not forget that the people that Republicans want to continue to suffer under the current immigration laws are the same people who came to this country […]

Immigration Divides GOP Candidates on Stage

At long last, immigration occupied the main stage in a prominent way among the Republican contenders for the White House in Tuesday night’s debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin moderated by Fox Business Channel and the Wall Street Journal. Two distinct camps emerged on the issue between the candidates, one calling for a pathway to citizenship for […]

GOP Withdraws From Latino Audiences Following CNBC Debate

The Republican National Committee (RNC), following last week’s CNBC debate in which Republican presidential candidates were asked about their policies on the economy and on taxation policy, has suspended future involvement with NBC News and its affiliates for what the RNC describes as a debate held and moderated in “bad faith.” Telemundo, the second-largest Spanish-language […]