Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Cubans Eager for Trump Decision on Cuba

With President Trump to make a decision on Cuba today, it is expected he will reverse Obama-era executive orders by tightening restrictions on trade and travel. The possibilities include banning U.S. trade with any Cuban entity linked to the military, a reduction in the number of categories under which Americans can travel to Cuba, and […]

1st Latino, Cruz, Wins; Latinos Seek Less Extreme Choice In Rubio

Ted Cruz’s Iowa Caucus win, the first by a Hispanic, is a symbolic and historic milestone for the Latino community. As the race for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination moves on to New Hampshire the contest is increasingly solidifying as a match up between three candidates- Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and […]

GOP Congress Eyes Restrictions Of Cuban Refugee Benefits As Opposition To Increased Ties Fades

U.S. Rep Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), a Cuban-American and native of south Florida, has introduced a bill aimed at implementing stricter controls over the Refugee Education Assistance Act that provides government assistance to Cuban-Americans and would require recipients to prove they are in fact political refugees living in the United States and escaping political prosecution. This […]

Competing Visions on National Security, Immigration At Vegas GOP Debate

Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas had many flash points between the candidates running for the 2016 nomination particularly on the subject of national security and terrorism and had Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the defensive from the likes of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over his work on […]

Comentarios from Maria: Celebrate new day for U.S-Cuba relations

In 1999, I was communications director of a federal agency then known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service. I worked with the Department of Justice and State on the case of Elian Gonzalez, an adorable 5-year-old Cuban boy who was found floating in an inner tube off the coast of Florida late that year after […]

As Cuba opens up, Cuban-Americans weigh in

The Obama Administration’s decision in December to normalize relations with Cuba initially sent shockwaves throughout both the U.S. and the Cuban-Americans who call the States their home, after a half-century hiatus from diplomatic relations. Speculation that the gamble would spur radical outrage has simmered in the face of sensibility, where a slight majority of Cuban-Americans, according to […]

For some Cuban Americans, new travel changes don’t change much

As decades of trade and travel restrictions on Cuba draw to a close today, for some Cuban Americans, the impact of the relaxed restrictions is hardly impactful.  Though the new rules allow Americans to travel to Cuba more freely for approved reasons, the new provisions for Cubans living in America – increased quarterly remittances from […]

Cuban-American Voters Increasingly Identifying as Democrats

          According to a new Pew Research poll, the percent of Cuban registered voters who identify or lean Republican has decreased by double-digit margins over the past decade. Although Cuban-Americans have traditionally identified as Republicans, over the past years, the percent of Cubans who identify or lean Democratic “has doubled from […]

Obama Announces Plans to Bring Cuba One Step Closer to Democracy

The White House said on Friday that the President has directed that changes be made to regulations and policies governing travel and cash sent to Cuba. “The President believes these actions, combined with the continuation of the embargo, are important steps in reaching the widely shared goal of a Cuba that respects the basic rights […]

Joe Garcia Announces Bid for Congressional Seat in Miami

Former Miami-Dade Democratic Party chief Joe Garcia resigned his post at the Department of Energy on Tuesday and announced his bid to run for the South Florida Congressional District 25 seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-FL. Diaz-Balart is, in turn, planning to run for the seat currently held by his retiring brother, […]