Monday, October 21, 2024

Latino Nonprofits in Florida launch a statewide drive on National Voter Registration Day

One in three Florida residents who are eligible to vote is not registered to do so, according to the New Florida Majority, a nonprofit that helped launch a statewide drive to sign people up on Tuesday, National Voter Registration Day. Other organizations also held events to register voters in one of the country’s most crucial […]

Florida judge protects Spanish-speakers’ voting rights ahead of the 2020 primaries

Advocates for Spanish-speaking voters in Florida are celebrating a significant win Friday after District Judge Mark Walker issued an order requiring 32 of the state’s 67 counties to provide election materials and assistance to Spanish-speaking voters before the 2020 presidential primary. Walker’s decision comes after several civic engagement groups and individuals sued the state secretary of state […]

Cuban-American Voters Increasingly Identifying as Democrats

          According to a new Pew Research poll, the percent of Cuban registered voters who identify or lean Republican has decreased by double-digit margins over the past decade. Although Cuban-Americans have traditionally identified as Republicans, over the past years, the percent of Cubans who identify or lean Democratic “has doubled from […]

Mitt Romney Offers Negative Remarks on Blacks, Latinos, and Young Voters

In the aftermath of presidential campaigns, it’s rare that you give much thought to the legacy or character of the losing candidate. Usually losing candidates disappear into the shadows of political footnotes. Sometimes, the world even comes to appreciate those candidates in the way we never anticipated. Al Gore, for instance, withdrew from a race […]

Comprehensive Immigration Reform First-Year Priority for Obama if Re-Elected

In an interview with the Des Moines Register, President Obama says that if he is re-elected as president for a second term, it would be from the support of his strong lead among Latino voters, and commits to work on reaching an agreement with lawmakers for comprehensive immigration reform during the first year of his […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Romney’s Empty ‘Binders Full of Women'”

Mitt Romney showed up Tuesday night talking about “binders full of women” being brought to him when he was governor. Sounds kind of kinky and certainly not something you want to be touting. The phrase was part of Romney’s answer to a question from an audience member at the second presidential debate about how he would “rectify […]

Supreme Court Rejects Voter Suppression Efforts in Ohio

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal that would have overturned a lower court decision upholding early voting in Ohio three days before an election, effectively protecting Ohio voters’ right to vote early in this upcoming election. “We are pleased that the US Supreme Court declined to overturn federal court rulings that every Ohioan […]

Romney Falters on Immigration during Second Presidential Debate

Immigration came up for the first time during last night’s second presidential debate, and both presidential candidates spoke on their plan for immigration reform. President Obama and Governor Romney faced off at Hofstra University on various topics important to Latinos, including the economy, jobs, and immigration. Viewers felt that President Obama “dominated” this debate and […]

Middle-Age and Young Texas Latinos Vote Less than Other Ethnic Groups

Based on numbers from the 2008 election, 2.3 million non-voters in Texas who were registered to vote never made it to the ballot box. According to the new study, of these non-voters, 34% are Latino, and those between ages 35-44 were staying away at a much higher rate. Young Latinos, between 18-44 years old, also […]

Latinos Say Economy Is Top Issue for Upcoming Election

According to a Fox News Latino poll held September 11-13, 48% of Latinos voters determined that the economy is the most important issue in the upcoming presidential election. Immigration was the fifth most important issue with 6% on the poll. The remaining concerns were health care (14%), education (11%), and social issues (8%). As previously […]