Monday, October 21, 2024

Cruz Falls, Trump Steals The Show Before Iowa Votes

Donald Trump may yet have won Thursday night’s GOP debate despite skipping the event altogether. With Trump absent from the debate stage, the most scathing attacks were levied at Texas Senator Ted Cruz, polling 7 points behind the businessman, who suffered a weak debate performance with just days before the Iowa Caucuses playing right into […]

Competing Visions on National Security, Immigration At Vegas GOP Debate

Tuesday night’s GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas had many flash points between the candidates running for the 2016 nomination particularly on the subject of national security and terrorism and had Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the defensive from the likes of Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul over his work on […]

Comentarios from Maria: Rand Paul Goes Against His Own Record

Last week, Rand Paul, the Republican senator from Kentucky and Tea Party favorite, became the second candidate to join the race for the White House, declaring that he would be “a new type of Republican.” The truth is that there is nothing distinguishing Paul from the rest of the party: the inconsistency and incoherence which […]

Guest Blogger: Maria Cardona “Rand Paul: The flip-flop king”

              Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is giving people whiplash. In the last month, he has shifted, flip-flopped and pandered so strikingly on a range of positions and statements that it makes you wonder whether he has suddenly developed a deep disregard for his own convictions, or never had […]

Republicans Introduce Measures to Deny Citizenship under 14th Amendment

Republican Senators David Vitter of Louisiana and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have introduced a measure to change the 14th Amendment of the constitution calling for an to end automatic citizenship to children born to undocumented immigrants, unless one parent is a US citizen, a legal immigrant, an active member of the armed forces or a […]