Friday, February 7, 2025

Autism Diagnosis Rates Rise Among Black and Latino Children

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said autism is being diagnosed more frequently in Black and Latino children than in white children in the U.S. Among all U.S. 8-year-olds, 1 in 36 had autism in 2020, according to the CDC. But the rates rose faster for children of color than for white children. […]

Migrant children describe the horrific conditions at the detention centers

A 16-year-old mother sleeps with her baby on a cement floor, a 12-year-old wakes up in the middle of the night from hunger, a 5-year-old is sick and has no socks and an 11-year-old cries in a cell, and is only let outside for a few minutes each day. These are some of the stories […]

Tent City to be built in Texas to house Immigrant children

The Trump administration has selected Tornillo, Texas, for the construction of tents to house immigrant children, many of whom have been separated from their parents under the new “zero tolerance” policy. The Department of Health and Human Services will build a “tent city,” full of large tents, that is estimated to hold 450 beds for […]

John Kelly believes separating immigrants families will keep people from crossing the border

President Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly defended separating undocumented immigrants from their children as a necessary evil in the administration’s effort to increase border security, during an interview with National Public Radio last Thursday. “The children will be taken care of — put into foster care or whatever,” Kelly said. “But the big point […]

Biden Adds Guatemala to his Itinerary to Discuss Influx of Migrant Children

Vice President Biden will meet with Central American leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras on Friday to consider options to deal with the surge of migrant children crossing the U.S. border. Over 47,000 children have reached the border between October and May. A senior administration official described “the lack of perception of what they […]

Comentarios from Maria: “The Importance of STEM Education for Latina Mothers”

Like any mother raising two young children, much of my attention is focused on their education with an eye toward their futures and the opportunities they will have as adults in the workforce. For kids, grade school is the time for fun. But, like it or not, even at early ages schools and parents are […]

Guest Blogger: Andrea Delgado “Happy Birthday, Cesar E. Chavez”

The agriculture industry relies heavily on the use of pesticides, which are highly toxic chemicals that farmworkers and surrounding communities are frequently exposed to through simply doing their jobs or living near agricultural sites. Pesticides enter the body through inhalation and penetration of the skin. The latest statistics indicate that in 2007, 1.1 billion pounds […]

HITN Early Learning Collaborative Provide New Tablet-Based Application for Preschoolers

  The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) announced their new tablet-based Pocoyo PlaySets project yesterday that helps engage young children develop their English, reading and math skills. Yesterday’s announcement included a panel session on child development, tying into the launch of the Pocoyo PlaySets, whose mission is to “provide preschoolers […]

HITN Collaborative Launches Pocoyo® Playset™ Digital Education Tool to Boost School Readiness for Spanish-Speaking Preschoolers

The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) unveiled today its mobile application for Spanish-Speaking preschoolers at Washington D.C.’s Newseum on Wednesday.  The Pocoyo® PlaySet™ application, which is funded by a grant from the Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement, features Pocoyo, the main character in the popular animated television […]

Digital Technologies Central to Teaching in the Classroom

A recent survey from Pew Internet says that teachers in middle and secondary schools have found digital technologies central to their teachings, with 92% saying the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching”. Mobile technology is also central to the learning process, as 73% of […]