Monday, October 21, 2024

Guest Blogger: Andrea Delgado “Happy Birthday, Cesar E. Chavez”

The agriculture industry relies heavily on the use of pesticides, which are highly toxic chemicals that farmworkers and surrounding communities are frequently exposed to through simply doing their jobs or living near agricultural sites. Pesticides enter the body through inhalation and penetration of the skin. The latest statistics indicate that in 2007, 1.1 billion pounds […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “Honoring the Memory of My Grandfather, César E. Chávez”

On [Monday, October 8th], the President traveled to Keene, California to honor the memory of César Estrada Chávez, by designating the property at Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz as a National Monument. Although César Chavez was one of my heroes, he was also my grandfather which made [Monday’s] dedication so moving and powerful. La […]