Sunday, January 26, 2025

What is Net Neutrality? It’s a Big Deal for Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Not a lot of attention has been given to the issue of Net Neutrality in Latino news circles. But it’s an important issue that took a decisive turn last week and it could affect Latinos and their increasing use of the internet. Here’s the short take: The FCC had a set of rules […]

Guest Blogger: Gus West “Internet Doesn’t Need More Rules”

The Obama administration will soon be looking for a new top telecommunications cop. Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski recently announced that he’d soon be leaving his post. Some are calling for the next FCC chair to aggressively police the Internet and exert a tighter regulatory hold over the firms that have built its backbone. […]

Digital Technologies Central to Teaching in the Classroom

A recent survey from Pew Internet says that teachers in middle and secondary schools have found digital technologies central to their teachings, with 92% saying the Internet has a “major impact” on their ability to “access content, resources, and materials for their teaching”. Mobile technology is also central to the learning process, as 73% of […]

The Future of Wireless

By Jason Llorenz Today, there are more wireless subscriptions than people in the U.S. That’s just one of the facts we reveal in the first of a series of Hispanic Technology and Telecommunications Partnership (HTTP) info graphics available in English and Spanish. If you have a “work” mobile phone plus a “personal” device, you’re part […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The President’s Vision for Our Next Economy, Hispanics, and Broadband”

As Americans continue to struggle with high unemployment and underemployment at record levels, President Barack Obama has made building a stronger economy, a central theme in his re-election campaign. This should resonate with all American’s in these trying economic times. The country needs an economy built on American innovation, increased development of workers skills and […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jason Llorenz “The Latino Digital Divide: A Presentation For #LATISM11”

This week, I will be leading a panel in Chicago for LATISM – an online community of Latinos in Social Media, as a part of their annual conference. LATISM is made up of thousands of Latino social media participants — bloggers, tweeters, and online conversants who use social media to build community online under the […]

New Program Club Digital looks to close Digital Divide among Latino Families

The launch of a new bilingual program this week, Club Digital, marks an unprecedented effort to close the digital divide affecting Latino families in the U.S. Club Digital is the nation’s most comprehensive bilingual, multimedia Internet training program that will reach nearly 3 million Latinos in California during its summer pilot program launched on August […]