Thursday, February 6, 2025

Obama Advisers Urge Veto of Anti-Sanctuary City Bill

The advisers of President Obama have recommended that he veto the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act (S. 2146), which would at once punish cities and jurisdictions not in compliance with federal laws as they relate to a detained undocumented immigrant, and would enact a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in jail for […]

GOP Bill Seeks to end delayed Deportations

Republicans recently introduced a measure in Congress that would remove the President’s discretion to prioritize deportation cases, in essence ending the practice of prioritizing dangerous criminals and stopping delayed deportations. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) introduced the bill, called the HALT Act, because they claim the President is in effect granting […]

Republicans Introduce Measures to Deny Citizenship under 14th Amendment

Republican Senators David Vitter of Louisiana and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have introduced a measure to change the 14th Amendment of the constitution calling for an to end automatic citizenship to children born to undocumented immigrants, unless one parent is a US citizen, a legal immigrant, an active member of the armed forces or a […]