Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Regina Romero likely to become the first Latina and the first woman to serve as Tucson’s mayor

Regina Romero, a councilwoman in Tucson, Arizona, beat back two Democratic challengers to become the party’s mayoral candidate and be in position to potentially become the first Latina and the first woman to serve as the city’s mayor. Romero, 44, who was also the first Latina elected to the city council, will face an independent […]

Latinos Redefining the American Dream

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco There’s no question that the American Dream isn’t what it used to be – if it ever was what we were told. What’s held true throughout the history of the U. S. is that the elusive dream has been defined by our nation’s newcomers. The American Dream is by default an […]

Report Suggests Citizenship Will Provide Stronger Economic Benefits than Legalization

The White House released a report on Tuesday listing the economic benefits to earned citizenship for the undocumented immigrants in the US, which included an increase of $1.4 trillion in GDP and about 2 million more jobs. The report also details that over a course of 10 years, providing only legal status and not citizenship […]

Immigration Reform, Guest Worker Programs and What We Can Learn From Braceros

Written By: Dakar Lanzino In his 2005 State of the Union Address, President George W. Bush said  “It is time for an immigration policy that permits temporary guest workers to fill jobs Americans will not take, that rejects amnesty, that tells us who is entering and leaving our country, and that closes the border to […]

‘Dream 9’ Tactics Take Debate Beyond Halls of Congress

By Valeria Fernández,  New America Media From inside the tiny rectangular windows at the Eloy Detention Center, the Dreamers arrested in last week’s protest could see the long white banner outside that spelled their names in red letters: “Maria, Claudia and Adriana.” Dozens of people have been demonstrating outside the detention center in support of the […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “Immigration Reform Is Very Much Alive”

Contrary to recent news accounts, we are closer to passing a meaningful immigration reform bill than at any point since John McCain and Ted Kennedy introduced their bill in 2005. Consider: The Senate passed a bill with 68 votes, the most any immigrant reform bill has received since this process began. The last time an […]

Young Latino Students Break Barriers for Higher Education

Written By: Cristian Pineda As the middle of summer approaches, recent high school graduates are looking into purchasing materials to prepare them for their first year of college. As statistics have shown, Latino graduates are up to par with their peers in preparation for attending colleges and universities as the number of enrolled students have […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chávez Rodríguez “Broad, bipartisan support for the Senate’s passage of immigration reform”

On Thursday, with a strong bipartisan vote, the Senate passed an immigration reform bill, bringing us a critical step closer to fixing our broken immigration system. President Obama congratulated the passage of the Senate’s bill, which is largely consistent with the President’s key principles for commonsense reform. The bill continues to secure our borders; ensures that every […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chávez Rodríguez “Apoyo bipartidista a la aprobación de la reforma migratoria por parte del Senado”

El jueves, con un fuerte voto bipartidista, el Senado aprobó un proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria, lo que nos lleva un paso más cerca de arreglar nuestro sistema de inmigración que no funciona. El Presidente Obama elogió la aprobación del proyecto de ley del Senado, que mayormente guarda consistencia con los principios clave expuestos por el […]

Immigration Reform Is Most Important Issue Facing Latino Community

A new poll released today suggests that 53% of Latino voters feel that immigration reform is the most important issue facing the Latino community and that Congress and President Obama should address it. The poll, sponsored by America’s Voice and implemented by Latino Decisions, wanted to survey the response from Latino voters and see how […]