Thursday, October 24, 2024

Guest Blogger: Julie Chávez Rodríguez “Broad, bipartisan support for the Senate’s passage of immigration reform”

On Thursday, with a strong bipartisan vote, the Senate passed an immigration reform bill, bringing us a critical step closer to fixing our broken immigration system. President Obama congratulated the passage of the Senate’s bill, which is largely consistent with the President’s key principles for commonsense reform. The bill continues to secure our borders; ensures that every […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chávez Rodríguez “Apoyo bipartidista a la aprobación de la reforma migratoria por parte del Senado”

El jueves, con un fuerte voto bipartidista, el Senado aprobó un proyecto de ley de reforma migratoria, lo que nos lleva un paso más cerca de arreglar nuestro sistema de inmigración que no funciona. El Presidente Obama elogió la aprobación del proyecto de ley del Senado, que mayormente guarda consistencia con los principios clave expuestos por el […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “Business Leaders, Law Enforcement Officers, Elected Officials and Others Agree: We Need Comprehensive Immigration Reform”

As President Obama made clear earlier today the bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill being considered by the Senate this week is the best chance we’ve had in years to fix our broken immigration system – in large part because of the diverse and unusual coalition of stakeholders that have come together to support it. That coalition has […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “What Health Reform Means for Latinos – and Young Sisters”

Mayra Alvarez, Director of Public Health Policy in the Office of Health Reform at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, recently wrote an op-ed for NBC Latino encouraging her younger sister Alejandra and others to register for the Health Insurance Marketplace, which opens in October 2013. The Marketplace is one of the many important provisions of […]

Guest Blogger Series: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “Creating a Better Life for All”

Last week I had the honor of watching one of the best films I have seen in years. Thanks to the leadership of Secretary Hilda Solis, the Department of Labor (DOL) hosted a screening of A Better Life for students and Administration employees. The film follows Carlos Galindo, a father with the strength and determination to ensure […]