Saturday, February 8, 2025

White House Officials Meet with Congressional Hispanic Caucus to Discuss Immigration Delay

On Thursday, top White House officials met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to assuage their concerns over the president’s decision to delay taking executive action on immigration until after the November midterms. Latino lawmakers were understandably livid over the delay but used the meeting with the White House to identify viable next steps […]

White House Addresses Latinos to Sign Up For the Affordable Care Act

In this week’s White House weekly address, Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the Domestic Policy Council, discusses the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its impact on Latinos, urging them to sign up and to help others sign up for health care coverage. In a Spanish language video, Muñoz, the highest-ranking Latino in the Obama Administration, urged […]

Report Suggests Citizenship Will Provide Stronger Economic Benefits than Legalization

The White House released a report on Tuesday listing the economic benefits to earned citizenship for the undocumented immigrants in the US, which included an increase of $1.4 trillion in GDP and about 2 million more jobs. The report also details that over a course of 10 years, providing only legal status and not citizenship […]

Vice President Holds Reception to Recognize Latino Leaders for Hispanic Heritage Month

Vice President Joe Biden and his wife held a reception Wednesday night at the U.S. Naval Observatory to recognize Latino leaders for their contributions and commitment to the country in celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month. Biden recognized Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, White House Domestic Policy Director Cecilia Munoz, Colorado Lt Gov. Joseph Garcia, Nevada Attorney […]

Auctioning Work Permits: A Market-Based Approach to Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON — An immigration system that is complicated and filled with outdated policies needs fixing, the general consensus says; but there is still no consensus on how. “A patchwork of harsh laws in various states cannot result in anything resembling a coherent or effective immigration policy,” said Cecilia Muñoz, director of the Domestic Policy Council […]

U.S. Immigration Policy: The Border Between

Event Announcement U.S. Immigration Policy:  The Border Between Reform and the Economy A Hamilton Project Policy Discussion Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm The National Press Club Ballroom, 529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20045 America’s immigration policy no longer serves the needs of our fast-changing global economy. Failure to address immigration […]